The Shorkies have Baby teething toys and exercise toys for mind stimulation.
My Shorkie puppies will make your heart melt as soon as you see them.
My Shorkies will give you unconditional love, all they ask in return is to be loved and taken care of the rest of their life.
All about Shorkies
Shorkies are considered a designer breed. They are a mix of a Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier.
The American Canine Hybrid Club now recognizes the shorkie as an official hybrid designer dog.
The American Canine Hybrid Club now recognizes the shorkie as an official hybrid designer dog.
Shorkies are famous for being loving, affectionate, open, friendly, and eager to please. Shorkie puppies are not only intelligent & easy to train but their calm laid back personalities are fantastic with small children & families.
Shorkies are famous for being loving, affectionate, open, friendly, and eager to please there owners. Shorkies are the ultimate companion dog. Shorkie puppies are not only intelligent & easy to train but their calm laid back personalities are fantastic with small children & families.
This is an affectionate dog that loves nothing more than spending time with its family. The Shorkie should not be left alone for long periods of time as it craves human companionship. The Shorkie is not an avid barker and will usually do well when traveling with its family. Shih Tzu dogs are generally less yappy than most other toy breed dogs. They bark to alert you when someone is at the door, so they do make a good watch dog. Yorkies are a little more vocal, so the shorkie can take on the characteristics of either parent.
But also the shorkie is so loving it may just let them in with a waging tail and kisses.
Temperament- Mixed-breed dogs usually balance the temperaments of their parents' breeds. The shorkie is a playful, non-aggressive dog. It's not considered a high-strung, barking breed. It prefers to be curled up in someone's lap.
Appearance- An adult shorkie weighs an average of seven to 12 pounds. Their height reaches only six to eleven inches, so that categorizing them as a toy breed.
- The coat of the Shorkie may be a variety of different colors. Some of the colors that are in the Shorkie are gold with a black mask on the face and ears, black and tan, solid red, solid gold and multi-colored of
- chocolate, white, gold, black. The size of the Shorkie can vary somewhat depending upon the size of the parent breeds. The puppies are usually very small considering the breed itself is small.Both the Shih tzu and yorkie are non-shedding dog so our shorkie puppies are excellent for families with allergies. Shorkie puppies must always have hair all over the body, beware of puppies and adults that have bald spots this can be caused by many genetic health issues. My puppies come in MANY colors including gold with a black mask on the face, black and tan, solid red, solid gold and multi-colored of white, gold, black, white and chocolate.The coat tends to lighten as the dog ages.
- Grooming
- Their coat texture should be soft, fluffy, and easy to be groomed this coat texture is beneficial for children and families that suffer from allergies as well.The shorkie puppy coat is typically long and unless he is kept in a puppy cut. If not he/she will need to be trimmed quite often.
- Shorkie puppies are considered nonshedding, hypoallergenic dogs. Their coats need to be groomed daily if their hair is allowed to grow out. A "puppy cut" trims the hair to a shorter length, giving the dog a cute, youthful look. This cut can be maintained by trims every six to eight weeks.
Grooming Instructions
Bathing. Try not to bath your puppy for a long while after you bring him home.The less stress the better. This is why i say this, one vet explained it to me this way. The puppys body temperature cannot adjust fast enough to the water temp, then the
dryer temp, then back to room temp. again. A adult dog can. But, a puppy was never
meant to be bathed so much in the early months of life with water, soaps,and dryers. This seems to cause more stress on puppy. So, try to go easy on that if at all possible. Also, try to use good shampoo's for puppy. That of oatmeal, aloe Vera, or penny royal ...all natural are really nice. A safe easy in-between bath to sanitize puppy is: 3/4 water and 1/4 hydrogen peroxide in spritz bottle. Then just lightly spray over body, bottom of feet and dab dry. Puppy should have his own towel, brushes, and bath supplies. Puppy's list of Bath items is posted below. Start with a soft coated Slicker brush to brush out puppy. And, we use a Flea comb for under coats and that tiny hair around the eye's. It just works better. Puppy doesn't have flea's but the close tooth stainless steel flea comb works better. Now, here's our trade grooming secret (that Groomers don't want you to know). For poodle mix's or Shorkies with double coats to have "MAT FREE" low maintenance coats one must "prep out the coat". Meaning you need to prepare the coat by: use a dog clippers or mans mustache clipper to clip away fur under tail, under and behind ears, and under arm pits. Then take a "thinning scissors" and thin out coat on side's and wherever any mats are prone to be. Next, Bathe puppy. Finishing off with a puppy "Leave-On Conditioner". (petco: Miracle coat leave-in conditioner will do). Do not rinse it out. Leave in. Just pat dry puppy, comb through, and finish with the hair dryer on medium heat blowing the puppys coat down. Unless, you have a puppy cut, which is dried any way. Once the coat is treated this way, your puppy can go months with out mats. And, you'll only need to comb and brush out puppy maybe 1-2 times a week. This is something kids can help you with. Also, most people keep a long coated dog in a Puppy cut. Which is 2" all the way around the body. You can do this too. Just scissor the body, under feet, under tail, under ears, and away from eye's about 1-2". Only adults are to do the puppys ears, nails, and teeth. We clean ears with Q-Tips and olive oil or Tea Tree Oil. But, one must be very careful, one vet told us not to use Q-tips, but we find its ok if your careful. And, easy on the olive & tea tree oil, which are very strong on a puppys ear. Only a small amount on Q-tip. Also, you can use a kitten nail clipper for your puppy. It just works better. As you might have experienced, clipping the nails too short can cause bleeding. Its hard to find the "Quick" in order to avoid this. So, try to get to know the length of the nail. You'll need to buy a "stop bleed" powder just in case. The teeth can be wiped with puppys own wash cloth over your index finger. Your Puppy need to experience letting a person touch their teeth while they're young. Your puppys teeth will be completely replaced with adult teeth by 5-6 months of age. Most of the baby teeth will be swallowed or not found. Teach your puppy to enjoy being groomed. Helpful demo's visit YouTube For summer. A shampoo with “penny royal” is good. Can add tea tree or peppermint oil drops to rinse. Leave on. We also, dust the dogs with "Bond" foot powder as a Bug Repellent. It's gentle for them and works. We never had ticks, flies, or fleas! and our dogs go out year round. Never use flea collars, dips, baths its so harsh. Most are made with poison. You can also, add garlic or brewers yeast to diet (from Revival). It comes through the pores and repels insects. Insects hate garlic. Unfortunately, it only come is a large size. From Revival. So, it'll last forever, unless you can divide it up for other dogs.
Grooming Tools You'll Need:
Puppy's own towels
Puppy Shampoo
Leave-On Conditioner for dogs.
A all natural herbal brand for humans would work too.
Soft edge slicker brush
Steel comb
Flea Comb (use to coat hair with leave-on conditioner).
Q tips
Ear cleaner for dogs
Dog tooth brush
Dog tooth paste
Spritz bottle
hydrogen peroxide
blow dryer
dog clippers or Scissors
Nail Cutters – we use one's for cats/ kitten or human nail clipper
Quick stop (if nail bleeds)
Puppys own storage container: basket..
All natural fiber hair brush
doggie cologne
we use "morning glory" body mist.
Thinning Sicissors for med-heavier coats.
Angel Eyes. If your puppy has eye stain. Or you can try
terramycin from Revival.
Olive Oil & Tea Tree Oil (we use for cleaning ears or
to use for leave on spritz to repell summer insects).
- Exercise and Training
- This breed can do well in almost any environment.Their small size allows shorkies to get adequate exercise by running around the house. They love to follow you and jump on and of where you are sitting. Bring you there toys and just plan fun. Children will have lots of fun with their active personality.
- This Consistency is the key to training a shorkie puppy. House training, with a schedule of going outside every two or three hours, helps set a routine.
- Shorkies live an average of 14 to 19 years. Some adult onset diseases that affect this breed are kidney and thyroid problems, hip dysplasia and hypoglycemia. Regular vet care and a healthy diet keep shorkies healthy.
- Health
- Shorkies live an average of 14 to 19 years. Some adult onset diseases that affect this breed are kidney and thyroid problems, hip dysplasia and hypoglycemia. Regular vet care and a healthy diet keep shorkies healthy.
- Shorkies live an average of 14 to 19 years. Some adult onset diseases that affect this breed are kidney and thyroid problems, hip dysplasia and hypoglycemia. Regular vet care and a healthy diet keep shorkies healthy.